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  • How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?
    The only two ways to know if your baby is getting enough milk are: - tracking the number of wet and dirty nappies that they are producing - tracking your baby's weight gain Here is the information with added reliable sources using Vancouver style references: On the first day after birth, expect only 1–2 wet diapers.^(1) On days 2–3 of your baby’s life, expect 2–4 wet diapers.^(2) By day 4, your baby should have 4–6 wet diapers per day.^(2) After about a week, a typical peeing routine for a baby will result in about four to six wet diapers per day.^(3) As a general rule, your baby will be getting enough milk if they have at least 5 wet disposable nappies (or 6 – 8 cloth nappies) every 24 hours.^(1) References: 1. La Leche League International. How can I tell if my baby is getting enough milk? Available from: []( 2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US). How Often Should Your Baby Pee? Available from: []( 3. KidsHealth from Nemours. Your Newborn's Growth: 1 Month. Available from: [](
  • How do I Increase my milk supply?
    I answer this question in full in this blog post.
  • Do I have an oversupply of milk, if so, how can I manage it?
    I answer this question in full in this blog post.
  • How can I breastfeed lying down?
    1. Lie baby down on a flat, firm surface, facing you. Ensure there are no sheets, pillows, or anything that could be a choking hazard near their head or face. 2. Lie on your side, lining your baby’s nose up with your nipple. 3. Lay your bottom arm above your babe’s head and bring your body close to your baby. Curl your body around them in a C-shape. 4. Depending upon the size or shape of your breasts, you may find it helpful to tuck a small towel beneath your breast to lift it up to your baby’s mouth. 5. Allow your baby to find your nipple, guiding your nipple to their mouth as necessary. 6. Once they are latched on, take a deep breath and relax, mama! Watch a video demonstration of this, on Instagram, here. IMPORTANT: The featured @bellamoon_official products are not sleeping aids in this video are not recommended for co-sleeping, only feeding. For safe breast sleeping advice, follow the latest recommendations by The Lullaby Trust.
  • How do I stop my baby from biting?
    - Try not to scream or shout if possible, as this could trigger a nursing strike or make your baby think that biting is a game(!) - Break the seal of your baby's latch straight away with your little finger every time. - Be clear when you tell your little one "No biting," showing him your teeth so that he understands. - Say, “Big mouth,” before he latches on, and demonstrate opening your own wide to encourage a really deep, comfortable latch. For more detailed guidance, you can find a blog post on this topic here.
  • What is normal when it comes to breastfeeding and my period?
    - Some women will see their period return within months of giving birth, whether they are exclusively breastfeeding or not. - Others will not see the return of their menses until they stop breastfeeding completely, which can take years in some cases. - Most nursing mothers see their periods return within 9 to 18 months. You can read more about breastfeeding & your period, here. Adapted from my 64 page guide, 'Breastfeeding & Your Period: Everything you Need to Know About Menstruation, Conception & Fertility,' which is available to buy here, now.
  • Can I get pregnant whilst breastfeeding?
    In short, yes it is generally possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, but that is not the case for every mother. You can read more about this, here.
  • My baby is sleeping long stretches (day or night), do I need to wake them to feed?
    - It is recommended that you breastfeed your baby on demand for as long as you are breastfeeding. - If your baby is awake and showing hunger cues (chewing fists, turning head, sucking fingers or lips, etc.), offer them the breast. - If your baby is asleep, you do not need to wake them to feed unless you have been advised to do so by your healthcare provider. - Check that your baby is gaining weight at the expected rate and producing at least 8 heavy wet nappies and at least two dirty nappies (soiled with a stool around 1 inch in diameter) within 24 hours for the first 8 weeks of their life. If they are not, seek help from a healthcare professional.
  • My breastfed baby or toddler nurses every X minutes or hours - is this normal?
    It is completely normal for your breastfed baby, toddler or child to nurse frequently day and night for as long as they are breastfeeding and for their feeding pattern to fluctuate over time or when they are sick or teething. Nursing your child on demand is the gold standard of infant feeding for as long as you are nursing. If you can, it is important to do so for at least the first 6 months of your baby's life, particularly if breast milk is the sole source of their nutrition. This is partly because nursing your child on demand ensures that their nutritional needs are being met, as your milk adapts throughout the day and over time to meet their unique and ever-changing needs. For instance, your little one may nurse every 5 minutes or so on a hot day, in order to consume the more watery milk at the start of a feed. Alternatively, if they are going through a growth spurt or a developmental leap, they may nurse for hours at a time in order to get more of the fattier milk at the end of a feed and to increase your milk supply. This is known as cluster feeding and should not last more than a few days. If your toddler is 12 months old or older, then you may choose to introduce breastfeeding boundaries so that you no longer nurse them on demand. Read more about how to do this, here.
  • Do I need to pump milk for my baby?
    - You only need to pump alongside breastfeeding if you are actively trying to increase your milk supply, or if you are trying to build a freezer stash of milk for future use. - Pumping between or alongside nursing will signal your breasts to produce more milk. - Pumping can help build a freezer stash for when you stop breastfeeding. - If you pump without needing to, you may trigger an oversupply or an overactive letdown, leading to symptoms like your baby fussing or choking at the breast, spitting up a lot, or having green, frothy stools because they are not getting enough of the fattier hind milk at the end of a feed. You can read more about how to get started with pumping in my new guide, 'Preparing to Breastfeed.'
  • How do I wean my baby, toddler or child from breastfeeding?
    If you would like support weaning your baby, toddler or child off the breast in a gentle and responsive way, I can help in four different ways: 1. The Weaning Masterclass: Join my monthly masterclass to form a weaning plan with The Breastfeeding Mentor, alongside other mothers. 2. Weaning Webinar: Get lifetimes access a 60-minute webinar explaining the Weaning with Love process and answering common questions. 3. Weaning with Love Guide: A 40 page guide with step-by-step instructions, including stopping nursing to sleep, night weaning and FAQs. Buy the webinar and get the guide for free with discount code: BOGOF. 4. A Private 1–2-1 Consultation: Book a personal consultation with The Breastfeeding Mentor for personalised, tailored advice and a full follow up report.
  • Is it possible to stop breastfeeding gently and without tears?
    Yes! Stopping breastfeeding does not have to be harsh. My son was a bonafide 'boob monster,' but being intentional and having a strategy when it came to weaning was a game changer for us, as it is for all of my clients. You can read our weaning story, here.
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